

富瑞重装 | 现代工程公司与富瑞重装携手谱写战略合作伙伴关系新篇章!

  • 分类:公司新闻
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  • 发布时间:2023-09-21 15:14
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【概要描述】2023年9月19日,现代工程公司(HEC)上海办公室一行代表其总部授予富瑞特装子公司富瑞重装战略合作伙伴证书。作为唯一一家入选的压力容器制造商,我们非常荣幸能够成为HEC的战略合作伙伴,这一关系的建立,标志着我们双方在压力容器制造领域的深入合作和共同发展的重要里程碑。 On September 19, 2023, on behalf of head quarter, representatives from Hyundai Engineering (HEC) Shanghai office presented a strategic partnership certificate to FRHE, as the only domestic pressure vessel manufacturer selected, we are honored to become HEC's strategic partner. The establishment of this relationship signifies a significant milestone in our deepened cooperation and mutual development in the field of pressure vessel manufacturing.     富瑞重装作为一家拥有丰富经验和卓越实力的压力容器制造商,一直以来为HEC提供高质量的压力容器解决方案和优质的服务,双方在过去的合作中,充分展现了合作共赢的精神,取得了卓越的成果。 FRHE, as a pressure vessel manufacturer with extensive experience and outstanding capabilities, has always provided HEC with high-quality vessel solutions and excellent services. Through our past collaborations, we have demonstrated the spirit of win-win cooperation and achieved remarkable results.       基于对彼此实力和价值观的高度认可,HEC决定将双方的合作提升到更高的层次,既是对富瑞重装过去工作的高度评价和认可,也是对双方未来合作的信心和期望。我们坚信,在双方的携手努力下,我们可以继续深化合作、拓展领域,共同实现业务增长,共同创造更加辉煌的业绩! Based on the high recognition of each other's strengths and values, HEC has decided to elevate our partnership to a higher level. This decision not only reflects the high appreciation and recognition for FRHE‘s past work but also demonstrates confidence and expectations for our future cooperation. We firmly believe that, with our joint efforts, we can deepen our collaboration, expand our scope, achieve business growth together, and create even more remarkable achievements.    

富瑞重装 | 现代工程公司与富瑞重装携手谱写战略合作伙伴关系新篇章!


On September 19, 2023, on behalf of head quarter, representatives from Hyundai Engineering (HEC) Shanghai office presented a strategic partnership certificate to FRHE, as the only domestic pressure vessel manufacturer selected, we are honored to become HEC's strategic partner. The establishment of this relationship signifies a significant milestone in our deepened cooperation and mutual development in the field of pressure vessel manufacturing.




FRHE, as a pressure vessel manufacturer with extensive experience and outstanding capabilities, has always provided HEC with high-quality vessel solutions and excellent services. Through our past collaborations, we have demonstrated the spirit of win-win cooperation and achieved remarkable results.





Based on the high recognition of each other's strengths and values, HEC has decided to elevate our partnership to a higher level. This decision not only reflects the high appreciation and recognition for FRHE‘s past work but also demonstrates confidence and expectations for our future cooperation. We firmly believe that, with our joint efforts, we can deepen our collaboration, expand our scope, achieve business growth together, and create even more remarkable achievements.



  • 分类:公司新闻
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  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2023-09-21 15:14
  • 访问量:



On September 19, 2023, on behalf of head quarter, representatives from Hyundai Engineering (HEC) Shanghai office presented a strategic partnership certificate to FRHE, as the only domestic pressure vessel manufacturer selected, we are honored to become HEC's strategic partner. The establishment of this relationship signifies a significant milestone in our deepened cooperation and mutual development in the field of pressure vessel manufacturing.




FRHE, as a pressure vessel manufacturer with extensive experience and outstanding capabilities, has always provided HEC with high-quality vessel solutions and excellent services. Through our past collaborations, we have demonstrated the spirit of win-win cooperation and achieved remarkable results.





Based on the high recognition of each other's strengths and values, HEC has decided to elevate our partnership to a higher level. This decision not only reflects the high appreciation and recognition for FRHE‘s past work but also demonstrates confidence and expectations for our future cooperation. We firmly believe that, with our joint efforts, we can deepen our collaboration, expand our scope, achieve business growth together, and create even more remarkable achievements.





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